Saturday, July 13, 2013

Effective Teaching Strategies for Math

Teaching math is challenging because many of the concepts are abstract, and most math problems require multiple steps for completion. There are also many rules to remember, and students may have trouble recalling or knowing which ones apply to each skill. Teachers should use methods in the classroom that will ultimately enable students to apply math skills independently. There are effective techniques and strategies teachers can use to help students comprehend what they learn, enabling them to master this subject.

Direct Instruction
A math teacher should always teach new concepts using systematic, direct instruction. This involves introducing a concept, explaining and modeling the procedures and skills to be used, then guiding the class in applying and practicing these skills. When this method is used consistently, students learn how to determine which strategies are best for solving particular problems. The benefit of this method is that teachers give their students the tools they need for independent learning.
Collaborative Learning
Teachers should use partnerships or small groups several times a week to practice math skills. This strategy is most effective when students of different ability levels are grouped together. Advanced students can explain the concept, which increases their own knowledge while helping a struggling classmate. The group can then practice the skill or complete the problem with each person in the group contributing by checking or reviewing.
Peer tutoring is another collaborative technique that can help students who are not on grade level. This should be a structured process. Teachers can model how to review math facts and how to observe for understanding.

Teaching with Manipulatives
Teachers need to use visual representations that explain abstract concepts. For example, teachers can use plastic linking cubes to explain counting, adding and subtracting. Geometric shapes can be used to teach fractions--one-half of a circle and one-fourth of a rectangle. Base 10 blocks are effective for teachers when introducing division. Graphs, charts and number lines also help students see what the concept conveys. Visit coolmathguru for more information.

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